======== Cookbook ======== Welcome to the agate cookbook, a source of how-to's and use cases. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 cookbook/create cookbook/save cookbook/remove cookbook/filter cookbook/sort cookbook/search cookbook/standardize cookbook/statistics cookbook/compute cookbook/datetime cookbook/sql cookbook/excel cookbook/r cookbook/underscore cookbook/homogenize cookbook/columns cookbook/transform cookbook/locale cookbook/rank cookbook/charting cookbook/lookup Basics ====== * `Creating tables from various data types `_ * `Saving data to various data types `_ * `Removing columns from a table `_ * `Filtering rows of data `_ * `Sorting rows of data `_ * `Searching through a table `_ * `Standardize names and values `_ * `Calculating statistics `_ * `Computing new columns `_ * `Handling dates and times `_ Coming from other tools ======================= * `SQL `_ * `Excel `_ * `R `_ * `Underscore.js `_ * Pandas (coming soon!) Advanced techniques =================== * `Filling missing rows in a dataset `_ * `Renaming and reordering columns `_ * `Transforming data (pivot/normalize/denormalize) `_ * `Setting your locale and working with foreign data `_ * `Ranking a sequence of data `_ * `Creating simple charts `_ * `Mapping columns to common lookup tables `_ Have a common use case that isn't covered? Please `submit an issue `_ on the GitHub repository.