
Common descriptive and aggregate statistics are included with the core agate library. For additional statistical methods beyond the scope of agate consider using the agate-stats extension or integrating with scipy.

Descriptive statistics#

agate includes a full set of standard descriptive statistics that can be applied to any column containing Number data.


Or, get several at once:

    ('salary_min', agate.Min('salary')),
    ('salary_ave', agate.Mean('salary')),
    ('salary_max', agate.Max('salary')),

Aggregate statistics#

You can also generate aggregate statistics for subsets of data (sometimes referred to as “rolling up”):

doctors = patients.group_by('doctor')
patient_ages = doctors.aggregate([
    ('patient_count', agate.Count()),
    ('age_mean', agate.Mean('age')),
    ('age_median', agate.Median('age'))

The resulting table will have four columns: doctor, patient_count, age_mean and age_median.

You can roll up by multiple columns by chaining agate’s Table.group_by() method.

doctors_by_state = patients.group_by("state").group_by('doctor')

Distribution by count (frequency)#

Counting the number of each unique value in a column can be accomplished with the Table.pivot() method:

# Counts of a single column's values

# Counts of all combinations of more than one column's values
table.pivot(['doctor', 'hospital'])

The resulting tables will have a column for each key column and another Count column counting the number of instances of each value.

Distribution by percent#

Table.pivot() can also be used to calculate the distribution of values as a percentage of the total number:

# Percents of a single column's values
table.pivot('doctor', computation=agate.Percent('Count'))

# Percents of all combinations of more than one column's values
table.pivot(['doctor', 'hospital'], computation=agate.Percent('Count'))

The output table will be the same format as the previous example, except the value column will be named Percent.

Identify outliers#

The agate-stats extension adds methods for finding outliers.

import agatestats

outliers = table.stdev_outliers('salary', deviations=3, reject=False)

By specifying reject=True you can instead return a table including only those values not identified as outliers.

not_outliers = table.stdev_outliers('salary', deviations=3, reject=True)

The second, more robust, method for identifying outliers is by identifying values which are more than some number of “median absolute deviations” from the median (typically 3).

outliers = table.mad_outliers('salary', deviations=3, reject=False)

As with the first example, you can specify reject=True to exclude outliers in the resulting table.

Custom statistics#

You can also generate custom aggregated statistics for your data by defining your own ‘summary’ aggregation. This might be especially useful for performing calculations unique to your data. Here’s a simple example:

# Create a custom summary aggregation with agate.Summary
# Input a column name, a return data type and a function to apply on the column
count_millionaires = agate.Summary('salary', agate.Number(), lambda r: sum(salary > 1000000 for salary in r.values()))


Your custom aggregation can be used to determine both descriptive and aggregate statistics shown above.