Standardize names and values#

Standardize row and columns names#

The Table.rename() method has arguments to convert row or column names to slugs and append unique identifiers to duplicate values.

Using an existing table object:

# Convert column names to unique slugs

# Convert row names to unique slugs

# Convert both column and row names to unique slugs
table.rename(slug_columns=True, slug_rows=True)

Standardize column values#

agate has a Slug computation that can be used to also standardize text column values. The computation has an option to also append unique identifiers to duplicate values.

Using an existing table object:

# Convert the values in column 'title' to slugs
new_table = table.compute([
    ('title-slug', agate.Slug('title'))

# Convert the values in column 'title' to unique slugs
new_table = table.compute([
    ('title-slug', agate.Slug('title', ensure_unique=True))