
There are many ways to rank a sequence of values. agate strives to find a balance between simple, intuitive ranking and flexibility when you need it.

Competition rank#

The basic rank supported by agate is standard “competition ranking”. In this model the values [3, 4, 4, 5] would be ranked [1, 2, 2, 4]. You can apply competition ranking using the Rank computation:

new_table = table.compute([
    ('rank', agate.Rank('value'))

Rank descending#

Descending competition ranking is specified using the reverse argument.

new_table = table.compute([
    ('rank', agate.Rank('value', reverse=True))

Rank change#

You can compute the change from one rank to another by combining the Rank and Change computations:

new_table = table.compute([
    ('rank2014', agate.Rank('value2014')),
    ('rank2015', agate.Rank('value2015'))

new_table2 = new_table.compute([
    ('rank_change', agate.Change('rank2014', 'rank2015'))

Percentile rank#

“Percentile rank” is a bit of a misnomer. Really, this is the percentile in which each value in a column is located. This column can be computed for your data using the PercentileRank computation:

new_table = table.compute([
    ('percentile_rank', agate.PercentileRank('value'))

Note that there is no entirely standard method for computing percentiles. The percentiles computed in this manner may not agree precisely with those generated by other software. See the Percentiles class documentation for implementation details.